Defang Ding Special Associate Professor
Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Wuhan , China
Education and Work Experience
Special Associate Professor (2017-now): Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China
PhD (2013.09 ~ 2017.07): National Center of Nanoscience and Technology, Her major: Nanoscience and Technology (Supervisor: Prof. Zhiyong Tang)
Master (2010.09 ~ 2013.07): China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Her major: Material Science and Technology (Supervisor: Prof. Yi Shen)
Bachelor (2006.09 ~ 2010.07): China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Her major: Material Science and Technology
Research Summary
Her scientific interest is focused on advanced nanomaterials and their application in flexible/wearable bioelectronics. Her researches are supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Projects Undertook
2017, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Host)
1. Defang Ding, Dawei Wang, Man Zhao, Jiawei Lv, Hong Jiang, Chenguang Lu,* Zhiyong Tang*, Interface Engineering in Solution-Processed Nanocrystal Thin Films for Improved Thermoelectric Performance, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1603444 (IF:18.96 )
2. Defang Ding, Chenguang Lu,* and Zhiyong Tang* Bottom Up Chalcogenide Thermoelectric Materials from Solution-Processed Nanostructures, Advanced Materials Interfaces 2017, 1700517, 1. (IF: 4.279)
3. Man Zhao§, Defang Ding§, Fangxu Yang, Dawei Wang, Jiawei Lv, Wenping Hu, Chenguang Lu,* Zhiyong Tang*, Ligand effects on electronic and optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional PbS necking percolative superlattices, Nano Research 2017, 10 (4) :1249. (IF: 8.893)
4. Defang Ding, Yi Shen,* Yali Ouyang, Hydrothermal deposition and photochromic performances of three kinds of hierarchical structure arrays of WO3 thin films, Thin Solid Films 2012, 520(24): 7164-7168. (IF: 1.761)