Associate Professor Rui Liu

Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry
China University of Geosciences
Wuhan 430074, China
QQ: 903810079
Education and Work Experience
Associate Professor (2019-now): Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences, China
Postdoctoral fellowship (2016-2019): Faculty of Materials Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences, China (Cooperation Advisor: Prof. Fan Xia)
Ph.D. candidate (2011-2016): Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, P. R. China (Advisor: Prof. Minghui Yang)
Bachelor (2007-2011): Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, P. R. China
Research Summary
Her research interest is focused on molecular reaction dynamics, molecular dynamics, She has published peer-reviewed papers including Chem (IF: 14.104), Angewandte Chemie-International Edition(IF: 12.102), Chemical Science(IF:9.063), Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters(IF:8.709), Journal of Chemical Physics(IF:2.843).
Obtained Funding
1. Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China
Selected Publications
1. Y. Cheng+, C.L. Sun+, R. Liu+(equal contributes), J.L. Yang, J. Dai, T.Y. Zhai, X.D. Lou, and F. Xia, A multifunctional peptide-conjugated AIEgen for efficient and sequential targeted gene delivery into the nucleus, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 58, 15(2019) 5039- 5053. (IF: 12.102)
2. Z.F. Gao+, R. Liu+(equal contributes), J.H. Wang+, J. Dai, W.H. Huang, M.J. Liu, S.T. Wang, F. Xia, L. Jiang, Controlling droplet motion on an organogel surface by tuning the chain length of DNA and its biosensing application, Chem, 4, (2018) 2929-2943. (IF: 14.104)
3. R. Liu, H.W. Song, M.H. Yang, Understanding rotational mode specificity in the O(3P) + CHD3→OH + CD3 reaction by simple reactant alignment pictures, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 1, 46(2019) 46-52. (IF: 0.586)
4. Y. Cheng+, J. Dai+, C. Sun+, R. Liu, T.Y. Zhai, X.D. Lou, F. Xia, An Intracellular H2O2-esponsive AIEgen for the Peroxidase-Mediated Selective Imaging and Inhibition of Inflammatory Cells, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 57, (2018) 3123-3127. (IF: 12.102)
5. B. Jiang+, R. Liu+ (equal contributes), J. Li, D.Q. Xie, M.H. Yang, H. Guo, Mode selectivity in methane dissociative chemisorption on Ni(111). Chemical Science, 4, (2013) 3249-3254. (IF: 9.063)
6. R. Liu, M.H. Yang, G. Czako, J.M. Bowman, J. Li, H. Guo, Mode Selectivity for a “Central” Barrier Reaction: Eight-Dimensional Quantum Studies of the O(3P) + CH4 → OH + CH3 Reaction on an Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3 (2012) 3776-3780. (IF: 8.709)
7. R. Liu, F. Wang, B. Jiang, G. Czako, M.H. Yang, K. Liu, H. Guo, Rotational mode specificity in the Cl + CHD3 → HCl + CD3 reaction, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, (2014) 074310. (IF: 2.843)
8. R. Liu, H.W. Xiong, M.H. Yang, An eight-dimensional quantum mechanical Hamiltonian for X + YCZ3 system and its applications to H + CH4 reaction. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 17(2012) 174113. (IF: 2.843)
9. G. Czako, R. Liu, M.H. Yang, J.M. Bowman, H. Guo, Quasiclassical Trajectory Studies of the O(3P) + CX4(v,k = 0, 1) → OX(v)+ CX3(n1n2n3n4) [X = H and D] Reactions on an Ab Initio Potential Energy Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117,30 (2013) 6409. (IF: 2.836)
10. Y. Yang, R. Liu, R.Z. Wan, M.H. Yang, Seven-dimensional quantum dynamics study of the H2+NH2→H+NH3 reaction on an interpolated potential energy surface, Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry, 12,(2013)1350054. (IF: 0.694)