1. Meihua Lin, Xiaoqing Yi, Hao Wan, Jian Zhang, Fujian Huang,* and Fan Xia, Photoresponsive Electrochemical DNA Biosensors Achieving Various Dynamic Ranges by Using Only-One Capture Probe, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 9963-9970.

2. Fujian Huang#,* Ruilin Duan#, Zhixin Zhou, Margarita Vázquez-González, Fan Xia* and Itamar Willner*, Near-infrared light-activated membrane fusion for cancer cell therapeutic applications, Chemical Science, 2020, 11, 5592–5600.

3. Ruilin Duan, Tao Li, Zhijuan Duan, Fujian Huang*, and Fan Xia, Near-Infrared Light Activated Nucleic Acid Cascade Recycling Amplification for Spatiotemporally Controllable Signal Amplified mRNA Imaging, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 5846-5854.

4. Tao Li, Ruilin Duan, Zhijuan Duan, Fujian Huang*, and Fan Xia, Fluorescence Signal Amplification Strategies Based on DNA Nanotechnology for miRNA Detection, Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2020, 36, 194–202.
5. Jun Dai#, Yinghao Li#, Zi Long, Ruming Jiang, Zeyan Zhuang, Zhiming Wang, Zujin Zhao*, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia, and Ben Zhong Tang*, Efficient near-infrared photosensitizer with aggregation-induced emission for imaging-guided photodynamic therapy in multiple xenograft tumor models, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 854-866.

6. Jun Dai#, Xia Wu#, Siyang Ding, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia, Shixuan Wang, Yuning Hong*, Aggregation-Induced Emission Photosensitizers: From Molecular Design to Photodynamic Therapy, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b02014.

7. Zi Long#, Jun Dai#, Qinyu Hu, Quan Wang, Shijie Zhen, Zujin Zhao, Zitong Liu, Jingjing Hu, Xiaoding Lou*, and Fan Xia, Nanococktail Based on AIEgens and Semiconducting Polymers: A Single Laser Excited Image-Guided Dual Photothermal Therapy, Theranostics, 2020, 10, 2260-2272.

8. Jun Dai#, Min Xu#, Wang Quan, Juliang Yang, Jinjin Zhang, Pengfei Cui, Wenwen Wang, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia*, Shixuan Wang*, Cooperation therapy between anti-growth by photodynamic-AIEgens and anti-metastasis by small molecule inhibitors in ovarian cancer. Theranostics, 2020, 10, 2385-2398.

9. Jun Dai#, Chong Duan#, Yu Huang, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia*, Shixuan Wang*, Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens for RONS Sensing, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020, 8, 3357-3370.

10. Zeyan Zhuang, Jun Dai, Maoxing Yu, Jianqing Li, Pingchuan Shen, Rong Hu, Xiaoding Lou, Zujin Zhao,* Ben Zhong Tang, Type I photosensitizers based on phosphindole oxide for photodynamic therapy: apoptosis and autophagy induced by endoplasmic reticulum stress, Chemical Science, 2020, 11, 3405-3417.

11. Hai Zhu, Lizhen Wu, Xiang Meng, Yongqian Wang*, Yu Huang*, Meihua Lin*, Fan Xia. An anti-UV superhydrophobic material with photocatalysis, selfcleaning, self-healing and oil/water separation functions. Nanoscale, 2020, 12: 11455-11459.

12. Hai Zhu, Yu Huang, Fan Xia*. Environmentally friendly superhydrophobic osmanthus flowers for oil spill cleanup. Applied Materials Today 2020, 19, 100607.

13. Xiaoding Lou#, Yu Huang#, Xian Yang, Hai Zhu, Liping Heng, Fan Xia*, External Stimuli Responsive Liquid-Infused Surfaces Switching between Slippery and Non-slippery States: Fabrications and Applications, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 1901130.

14. Zhongfeng Gao, Rui Liu, Jinhua Wang, Jun Dai, Weihua Huang, Mingjie Liu, Shutao Wang, Fan Xia*, Shusheng Zhang*, and Lei Jiang, Manipulating the hydrophobicty of DNA as a universal strategy for visual biosensing, Nature Protocols, 2020, 15, 316-337.

15. Zhi Zheng#, Hongyuan Zhang#, Tianyou Zhang, Fan Xia*, Overcome Debye Length Limitations for Biomolecule Sensing based on Field Effective Transistors, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2020, doi:10.1002/cjoc.202000584.

16. Juliang Yang#, Jun Dai#, Quan Wang, Yong Cheng, Jingjing Guo, Zujin Zhao, Yuning Hong, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia, Tumor‐Triggered Disassembly of a Multiple‐Agent‐Therapy Probe for Efficient Cellular Internalization, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 20405-20410.

17. Xiaoding Lou#, Yongjun Song, Rui Liu, Yong Cheng, Jun Dai, Qing Chen, Pengcheng Gao, Zujin Zhao, Fan Xia*, Enzyme and AIEgens Modulated Solid‐State Nanochannels: In Situ and Noninvasive Monitoring of H2O2 Released from Living Cells, Small Methods, 2020, 4, 1900432.

18. Juliang Yang#, Jiaming Wei, Fan Luo, Jun Dai, Jingjing Hu*, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia, Enzyme-Responsive Peptide-Based AIE Bioprobes, Topics in Current Chemistry, 2020, 378, 1-25.

19. Jun Dai#, Yong Cheng#, Jun Wu#, Quan Wang, Wenwen Wang, Juliang Yang, Zujin Zhao, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia*, Shixuan Wang*, Ben Zhong Tang, Modular Peptide Probe for Pre/Intra/Postoperative Therapeutic to Reduce Recurrence in Ovarian Cancer, ACS nano, 2020, 14, 14698–14714.

20. Jun Wu#, Qinyu Hu, Qing Chen, Jun Dai, Xia Wu, Shixuan Wang, Xiaoding Lou*, Fan Xia, Modular DNA-Incorporated Aggregation-Induced Emission Probe for Sensitive Detection and Imaging of DNA Methyltransferase, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020.

21. Xiaoqing Yi#, Xiaoding Lou*, Zujin Zhao, Fan Xia, Benzhong Tang*, Self-guiding Polymeric Prodrug Micelles with Two AIE Photosensitizers for Enhanced Chemo-Photodynamic Therapy, ChemRxiv, 2020.
22. Hongming Yao#, Jun Dai#, Zeyan Zhuang#, Jinya Yao, Zixuan Wu, Shixuan Wang, Fan Xia, Jian Zhou*, Xiaoding Lou*, Zujin Zhao*, Red AIE conjugated polyelectrolytes for long-term tracing and image-guided photodynamic therapy of tumors, Science China Chemistry, 2020, 63, 1815–1824.

23. Xiaoding Lou#, Yu Huang#, Xian Yang, Hai Zhu, Liping Heng, Fan Xia*, Lubricant‐Infused Surfaces: External Stimuli Responsive Liquid‐Infused Surfaces Switching between Slippery and Nonslippery States: Fabrications and Applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2070061.

24. Shaoguang Li#, Jun Dai#, Man Zhu, Netzahualcóyotl Arroyo-Currás, Hongxing Li, Yuanyuan Wang, Quan Wang, Xiaoding Lou*, Tod E Kippin, Shixuan Wang, Kevin W Plaxco*, Hui Li*, Fan Xia*, Hydrogel-coating improves the in-vivo stability of electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors, bioRxiv, 2020.

25. Yongxi Zhao#, Xiaolei Zuo#, Qian Li#, Feng Chen, Yan-Ru Chen, Jinqi Deng, Da Han, Changlong Hao, Fujian Huang, Yanyi Huang, Guoliang Ke, Hua Kuang, Fan Li, Jiang Li, Min Li, Na Li, Zhenyu Lin, Dingbin Liu, Juewen Liu, Libing Liu, Xiaoguo Liu, Chunhua Lu, Fang Luo, Xiuhai Mao, Jiashu Sun, Bo Tang, Fei Wang, Jianbin Wang, Lihua Wang, Shu Wang, Lingling Wu, Zai-Sheng Wu, Fan Xia, Chuanlai Xu, Yang Yang, Bi-Feng Yuan, Quan Yuan, Chao Zhang, Zhi Zhu, Chaoyong Yang*, Xiao-Bing Zhang*, Huanghao Yang*,Weihong Tan* and Chunhai Fan*. Nucleic Acids Analysis, Science China Chemistry, 2020, doi:10.1007/s11426-020-9864-7.

26. Man Zhu, Shaoguang Li, Hongxing Li, Hui Li,* and Fan Xia, Employing an intercalated redox reporter in electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors to enable calibration-free molecular measurements in undiluted serum, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 12437–12441.

27. Shaoguang Li, Chengcheng Li, Yuanyuan Wang, Hui Li,* and Fan Xia, Re-engineering electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors to tune their useful dynamic range via distal-site mutation and allosteric inhibition, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 19, 13427–13433.

28. Meihua Lin, Hao Wan, Jian Zhang, Quan Wang, Xinyu Hu, and Fan Xia*, Electrochemical DNA Sensors Based on MoS2‑AuNPs for Polynucleotide Kinase Activity and Inhibition Assay, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 45814-45821.

29. Meihua Lin, Hao Wan, Jian Zhang, Fujian Huang, Shaoguang Li, and Fan Xia*, Bioinspired Programmable Engineering of a Color-Change Biointerface based on Dual-Stimulation Regulation, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3, 12, 8970–8977.

30. Xiaojin Zhang, Kang Wang, Jiayuan Hu, Yuchen Zhang, Yu Dai and Fan Xia*, Role of high calcium ions in extending the properties of alginate dual-crosslinked hydrogels, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 25390-25401.

31. Lu Ming Dong, Cui Ye, Lin Lin Zheng, Zhong Feng Gao* and Fan Xia*, Two-dimensional metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes): preparation, property, and applications in cancer therapy, Nanophotonics, 2020, 9, 2125-2145.

32. Dagui Wang, Yajie Chen, Qi Jian, Pengcheng Gao, Fan Xia*, Research Advance of Polymer Anti-fouling Coatings, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2020, 41, 2638-2647.

33. Yuchen Zhang, Xingyue Xiao, Dejia Geng, Yu Dai and Fan Xia, Carbon-supported Pd-Ir nanoalloys as cathodic catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, Nano Ex.2020, 1, 030024.

34. Juliang Yang, Jun Dai, Xiaoding Lou,*, Fan Xia, Tumor triggered disassembly: Precise release and efficient cellular internalization of multiple-agent-therapy probe, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2020, 65, 3497-3499.

35. Jinzheng Zhang, Yuqi Yuan, Tingyan Ye, Shiyi Tan, Nannan Liu*, Jinjie Qian*, Shaoming Huang * and Fan Xia, Highly efficient zinc finger peptide detection with ZIF-8-modified micropipets, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 10855.

36. Meihua Lin, Xin Ma, Shijun Lin, Xiaojin Zhang, Yu Dai * and Fan Xia, Fluorescent probe based on N-doped carbon dots for the detection of intracellular pH and glutathione, RSC Adv.,2020, 10,33635–33641.

37. Defang Ding‡, Fengming Sun‡, Fan Xia*, Zhiyong Tang, A high-performance and flexible thermoelectric generator based on the solution-processed composites of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets and bismuth telluride nanoplates, Nanoscale Adv., 2020, 2, 3244–3251.

38. Hai Zhu, Yu Huang, Fan Xia*, Environmentally friendly superhydrophobic osmanthus flowers for oil spill cleanup, Applied materialstoday, 2020, 19, 100607.

39. Chunli Sun, Yong Cheng*, Yong Pan, Juliang Yang, Xudong Wang, Fan Xia*, Efficient polymerase chain reaction assisted by metal-organic frameworks, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 797–802.